Matthew DeLuca Presents on Regulating Prive Speech in Public Places at Association of Towns Annual Meeting
On February 16, 2021, Matthew DeLuca gave a lecture over Zoom at the New York Association of Towns' Annual Meeting and Training School. His presentation, titled "Regulating Private Speech in Public Places," examined the legal standards applicable to government regulations of private speech, including the public forum and government speech doctrines. It also discussed how towns can regulate specific types of First Amendment activity on public property, including marches and protests, picketing, distributing leaflets, etc. Finally, the presentation discussed how towns and their officials can moderate private speech on their official social media pages without violating the First Amendment.
A copy of Mr. DeLuca's Powerpoint can be downloaded here. Please note that some photographs have been removed to reduce file size.
Mark Cuthbertson Presents on Rethinking Land Use in the Post-COVID Era at Association of Towns Annual Meeting
On February 16, 2021, Mark Cuthbertson gave a lecture over Zoom at the New York Association of Towns' Annual Meeting and Training School. His presentation, which was titled "Rethinking Land Use in the Post-COVID Era," detailed the land use and zoning changes that have been adopted during the pandemic and discussed whether and to what extent such changes may make sense once the pandemic ends. He also discussed the procedural issues faced by zoning and planning boards during the pandemic and examined how towns have adapted to these challenges.
A copy of Mr. Cuthbertson's PowerPoint presentation (which has been split into two parts due to size limits) can be downloaded here and here.
Mark Cuthbertson To Give CLE Presentation On Recent Legal Developments For Zoning Boards and Planning Boards
On June 15, 2020, Mark Cuthbertson will give a CLE presentation as part of the Suffolk County Bar Association's annual Allen Sak Municipal Law Program. This year's program will be held on Zoom over two nights from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., with the second part of the program scheduled for June 29, 2020. Cuthbertson's presentation will be on the first night of the program and will cover recent legal developments for planning boards and zoning boards, including executive orders relating to COVID-19 and a case law update.
A copy of the Powerpoint can be downloaded here, and the written materials can be downloaded here.
Mark Cuthbertson Presents on Regulations of Peddlers, Solicitors, and Transient Merchants at Suffolk County Bar Association
On May 21, 2020, Mark Cuthbertson gave a CLE presentation over Zoom for the Suffolk County Bar Association. His presentation, which was titled "Regulating Peddlers, Solicitors, and Transient Merchants," detailed the different types of entities and activity that solicitation laws seek to regulate, the constitutional issues that such regulations raise, and recent developments in this area of law.
A copy of Mr. Cuthbertson's PowerPoint presentation can be downloaded here. Supplemental materials are also available here.
Matthew DeLuca Gives CLE Presentation on Zoom for Lawyers
On May 15, 2020, Matthew DeLuca presented a CLE at the Suffolk County Bar Association titled "Zoom For Lawyers: How Video Conferencing Can Improve Your Practice." The CLE, which was appropriately presented over Zoom, addressed issues such as:
• How Zoom can be used to improve the productivity both during and after this pandemic
• An overview of Zoom's features, from free videoconferencing tools to paid features like vanity URLs, company branding, and administrative tools to supervise employees
• A discussion of security and privacy issues like Zoombombing, data sharing, and encryption practices, as well what steps Zoom has taken to address these concerns.
• How court reporting companies like Enright have integrated Zoom into their services
A copy of the powerpoint from the CLE can be downloaded here. In addition, the written materials can be found here.
Mark Cuthbertson Presents on Regulations of Peddlers, Solicitors, and Transient Merchants at Association of Towns Annual Meeting
On February 17, 2020, Mark Cuthbertson lectured at the New York Association of Towns' Annual Meeting and Training School. His presentation, which was titled "Regulating Peddlers, Solicitors, and Transient Merchants," detailed the different types of entities and activity that solicitation laws seek to regulate, the constitutional issues that such regulations raise, and recent developments in this area of law.
For those who could not attend the program, a copy of Mr. Cuthbertson's PowerPoint presentation can be downloaded here. Supplemental materials are also available here.
Article on Social Media "Blocking" Published In The Suffolk Lawyer
Last month, Mark Cuthbertson and Matthew DeLuca were published in the September 2019 edition of The Suffolk Lawyer, the monthly publication of the Suffolk County Bar Association. Their article, entitled "Second Circuit Decides Constitutional Significance of "Blocking" on Twitter in Trump Case," examined a Second Circuit decision that focused on the intersection of social media and the First Amendment. Specifically, this case addressed whether the President engaged in unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination when he blocked individuals on Twitter after they made posts criticizing the President or his policies.
A copy of the article can be found here.
Mark Cuthbertson And Matthew DeLuca Have Article On Short-Term Rental Regulations Published In The Suffolk Lawyer
Last month, Mark Cuthbertson and Matthew DeLuca were published in the April 2019 edition of The Suffolk Lawyer, the monthly publication of the Suffolk County Bar Association. Their article, entitled "Regulation of Homestay Uses in Suffolk County," examined how various municipalities across Suffolk County have dealt with the rise of short-term rental companies such as AirBnB, and the regulatory approaches they have taken to tackle this issue. The article also briefly addressed some of the litigation surrounding short-term rental regulations.
A copy of the short-term rental article can be found here. The full issue of The Suffolk Lawyer is available here.
Mark Cuthbertson Presents on Government Social Media and the First Amendment To Suffolk County Village Officials Association
On May 15, 2019, Mark Cuthbertson will speak at the Suffolk County Village Officials Association's Municipal Training event. His presentation, Government Social Media and the First Amendment, outlined recent developments in this rapidly changing area of law, best practices for social media use by municipalities and municipal officials, and provided tips on how to adopt a social media policy that could prevent legal exposure. Notably, this version of the presentation has been revised and updated from past iterations.
A copy of the powerpoint presentation, which has been divided into two parts due to size constraints, can be found here (part 1) and here (part 2).
Mark Cuthbertson Presents on Government Social Media and the First Amendment To Municipal Administrators Association
On April 24, 2019, Mark Cuthbertson spoke at a meeting of the Municipal Administrator's Association of Metropolitan New York. His presentation, Government Social Media and the First Amendment, outlined recent developments in this rapidly changing area of law, best practices for social media use by municipalities and municipal officials, and provided tips on how to adopt a social media policy that could prevent legal exposure.
A copy of the powerpoint presentation can be found here.